Call or Text: 07475 662 350


Bay Taxi – Isle of Wight 24 Hour Taxi Service

Based in Freshwater Isle of Wight

24 hour taxis, islandwide service.

4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 seater taxis available in Freshwater, Totland, Yarmouth, Alum Bay, Tapnell, Brighstone, Brook, Newbridge, Ningwood, Shalfleet, Porchfield, Bouldnor and island wide.

Ferry, fast cat, hover and red jet pick ups. Hospital runs. Mainland and airport runs. Events, weddings and large groups. Festival travel and more. Dog friendly.

DBS Checked. Licensed and Insured.

Contactless card payments accepted.

card payments accepted 24 hour taxi isle of wight

Telephone or text us on 07475 662 350 (24 hours)

24 hour taxis freshwater totland yarmouth isle of wight