Call or Text: 07475 662 350

Taxi for Transporting Bikes, Isle of Wight

Taxi for Transporting Bicycles on the Isle of Wight

Taxi big enough to carry bikes based on the Isle of Wight

24 hour taxis, islandwide service.

8 and 4 seater taxis available in Freshwater, Totland, Yarmouth, Alum Bay, Tapnell, Brighstone, Brooke, Newbridge, Ningwood, Shalfleet, Porchfield, Bouldnor, Niton, Chale, Ventnor, Cowes, Newport and island wide.

If you have a requirement to move your bicycle or more than one bike with riders by taxi on the Isle of Wight then Bay Taxi can assist with this.

Whether you are just arriving on the island and need to be taken with your bikes by taxi from the ferry ports to your accommodation or if you have had a puncture or fault that prevents you riding your bike and require a taxi to take you and your bicycles to your destination then please do give us a call.

Our large mini bus style taxis can fit up to 4 bicycles, depending on the size of the bikes, with 4 pasengers and we can collect or drop to/from any location on the island if you are travelling to or from West Wight.

Contactless card payments accepted.

Telephone or text us on 07475 662 350 (24 hours)

Photo credit, Wight Cycle Hire

Taxi for Transporting Bicycles Isle of Wight